Concert week

Busy week this week. Be sure to double check costume requirements so that you don't miss out.
Special thanks to everyone who came out and helped with the middle school concert you guys were fantastic! Check out our Facebook page for our elfie lol

This week:

Sunday 1 pm  concert set up (optional) should only take a few hours for us to set up Christmas decorations for concert you can come and go as needed

Monday- measure 59  Celtic carol quiz ( if you were out Friday you will have an extension)

Tuesday- bring your Mardi Gras costume for class check

Wednesday- concert walk through (no costumes needed)

Thursday- concert during the school day for elementary students,  costumes needed
Parent and family Concert at 7 pm. Cost was $5 but may have changed to free I am waiting for the official word and I will send out a remind revision. call time 5:30 you can dress after warmups

Friday- schs student concert in the morning at school
Band colorguard and guitar Christmas party after concert sign up in the band room to bring something. 70 people in class, general rule is we ask you bring enough of an item for 12/24 people but you are welcome to bring enough fro all 70 if you choose just notate that on the signup sheet.

Concert Costume Information

1. All white dressy outfit
2. Red dress shirt black pants and sombrero
3. "Mardi Gras Christmas" Costume yellow, green and purple (crazy party outfits in these colors), Beads and masks (optional hats available as well)
4. Winter outfit - Something that you would have on for a fun day out in the winter time (gloves ear muffs, vests)
5. Guys Black dress shirt and black pants green bow ties (ladies green dress or green dress shirt and black pants) please no lime greens
6. (upperclassmen only) Formal ware

Hairston is ordering everyone
- A sombrero, Beads and a mask, green bow ties for $7
- Optional Mardi Gras Hats are available for an additional $3 


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