Week 3

Fantastic Job at the game Friday we may have had some outside struggles but you guys rocked it and your hard work and dictation to this band is appreciated. I am so proud of your hard work and excited for the competition season to come, we will be watching the video and talking more in class. see our SCHS Band Boosters facebook page for pics from Friday.

Schedule this week:
Tuesday and Thursday- Morning Practice 7am
Friday -Quiz 3
Makeup available throughout the week if you need it to improve your grade.

Quiz 3 (Marching / Drill quiz) - Winds- A full group video will be take at the end of the week of the first two songs, to pass this quiz you must start and stop at the correct times, correct horn angles and correct drill positions. (rubric coming soon)

All Percussion- Have a 30 min (or two 15 min) pit and drum line sectional to work on opening of El Cumbanchero.

Color guard- A full group video will be take at the end of the week of the first two songs, to pass this quiz you must start and stop at the correct times, correct body facings and choreography . (rubric coming soon) 



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