week 3 updates

Progress Reports on Wednesday

Week 3 Quiz (Into the storm)
Due Friday 2/17  Practice 20 min outside of class with a friend and ..
Into the storm m. 38-43 and m. 98-103 correct notes and rhythm
Into the storm m. 74-90 smooth and connected 
-        Mallets - paradiddles slow fast slow and buzz roll open closed open
-        General percussion-  into the storm mallet/flute part m.90-98  

20 min Practice – 40 points
Music - 60 points
0-30       Poor Performance, several mistakes in pitch or articulation, missing octaves or arpeggios, missing note in key signature
30-40     Fair but some mistakes in pitch or articulation, missing octaves or arpeggios, missing note in key signature
40-50     Good but less mature, very few mistakes in pitch or articulation
50-60     Excellent performance    


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